Conversational Display Ads: Want Sure-Fire Tactics to 10x Engagement?

by | Sep 19, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Whether you’re a seasoned media guru or just embarking on your journey in programmatic display advertising, you’ve likely encountered the growing excitement surrounding conversational display ads. These dynamic and interactive ad formats revolutionize how brands connect with their audiences.

But here’s the essence: Engagement isn’t just a metric to monitor; it’s the lifeblood of your campaigns, the driving force behind clicks, conversions, and customer loyalty.

Imagine this scenario: You have a captivated audience open to hearing your message and a unique opportunity to make a lasting impression. How do you ensure they listen and actively participate in the conversation? That’s precisely where our journey begins.

Welcome to the most comprehensive, data-driven, actionable guide on boosting engagement through conversational ads. Our mission is straightforward and ambitious: to empower you with the knowledge, strategies, and hands-on tips to transform your digital advertising endeavors. We’ll turn your static display ads into vibrant, two-way conversations that resonate deeply with your target audience.

messaging on phones

The following post will dive deep into conversational advertising, unveiling its mysteries and unlocking its immense potential. In this guide, we will:

  • Explore the Current Landscape: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the industry’s current state of conversational display ad engagement, armed with the latest statistics and insights.
  • Dive into Actionable Tips: Discover actionable strategies to elevate your conversational ad game, turning casual browsers into enthusiastic participants.
  • Back It Up with Data: Expect data-backed recommendations, real-world case studies, and best practices that have already propelled brands to engagement greatness.
  • Discuss the Impact: Delve into the impact of engagement on your bottom line as we highlight why it’s not just another buzzword but a critical driver of digital advertising success.

So, whether you’re a seasoned digital marketing veteran looking to enhance your arsenal or a newcomer navigating the labyrinth of conversational advertising, rest assured, you’re in the right place. Our journey begins now, and together, we’ll uncover the secrets to crafting conversational display ads that do more than speak—they captivate and convert.

Welcome to the future of engagement, and welcome to a transformative journey—it’s time to boost engagement like never before.

Section 1: Understanding Conversational Ads
Section 2: The Power of Personalization
Section 3: Crafting Compelling Conversations
Section 4: Interactive Elements and Gamification
Section 5: Contextual Targeting
Section 6: A/B Testing and Optimization
Section 7: Compliance and Privacy Considerations
Section 8: Case Studies and Success Stories

Section 1: Understanding Conversational Display Ads graphic

Section 1: Understanding Conversational Display Ads

We aim to demystify a powerful tool transforming the advertising landscape: conversational display ads. You’re in the right place if you want to maximize engagement and elevate your ad campaigns to new heights.

The Current Landscape of Conversational Advertising

Conversational advertising is more than just a buzzword; it’s a seismic shift in how brands connect with their audiences. Picture this: Instead of passive interactions with your ads, you invite users into a dynamic conversation. It’s a shift from broadcasting messages to fostering meaningful dialogues.

So, why is this shift so significant?

Engagement as the Catalyst for Success

Engagement is the golden ticket to success in digital advertising. It’s not just another metric; it’s the lifeblood of your campaigns. The spark ignites a chain reaction—clicks, conversions, and customer loyalty. Conversational display ads are designed with engagement in mind from the ground up.

How Conversational Ads Differ

Unlike traditional display ads that often resemble static billboards in the digital landscape, conversational display ads are interactive and dynamic. They’re like a virtual salesperson, engaging your audience in a personalized conversation.

Woman engaging with phone message

Here’s where the magic happens:

  • Personalization: Conversational ads excel in delivering personalized experiences. They’re not just addressing users; they’re speaking directly to them, acknowledging their needs, preferences, and pain points.
  • Real-Time Engagement: These ads create real-time, two-way interactions. Users can ask questions, make choices, and actively participate, leading to a deeper connection with your brand.
The Impact and Benefits

Now, let’s dive into the impact of conversational advertising:

  • Enhanced Engagement: According to AdChat’s data, conversational display ads have witnessed a remarkable 45% increase in engagement rates compared to traditional static display ads. This increase signifies their effectiveness in capturing user attention.
  • Personalization Matters: Research has shown that 90% of U.S. consumers find marketing personalization very or somewhat appealing. Conversational ads deliver personalized experiences, making them a strategic choice in today’s marketing landscape.
  • A Shift in Investment: Marketers are taking notice of the potential. According to Gartner, over 50% of brands plan to invest more in conversational marketing, indicating a broader industry shift toward more engaging ad formats.
Challenges and Opportunities

But no transformation comes without challenges. Crafting engaging conversations that feel natural and authentic is an art in itself. Yet, these challenges present incredible opportunities for innovation.

In the pages ahead, we’ll unveil a tactical guide to harness the full potential of conversational display ads. From actionable tips to data-backed strategies, we’ll equip you with the tools you need to succeed in the dynamic world of digital advertising.

Get ready to unlock the secrets to maximizing engagement, converting prospects into customers, and elevating your advertising game to a new level. Our journey begins with understanding the foundations…

Section 2: The Power of Personalization graphic

Section 2: The Power of Personalization

Every interaction is an opportunity – and personalization is the key to more interactions or engagements. It isn’t just a buzzword; personalization is the key that unlocks the hearts and minds of your audience. In this section, we’ll explore why personalization is the secret sauce for success in conversational advertising and how you can wield its power to create unforgettable ad experiences.

Why Personalization Matters

Imagine walking into your favorite cafe, and the barista greets you by name, knowing your preferred coffee order. That feeling of being understood and valued is precisely what personalization achieves in the digital advertising realm.

Large group of people
  • Creating Relevance: Personalized ads cut through the digital noise by presenting content that resonates with individual interests and needs. They offer relevance in a sea of generic messages.
  • Fostering Engagement: Users who see content that speaks directly to them are more inclined to engage. It’s the difference between a passive observer and an active participant.
  • Building Trust: Personalization conveys that you understand your audience. It builds trust and positions your brand as a reliable source of tailored solutions.
Harnessing Data-Driven Insights

So, how do you achieve this level of personalization in conversational display ads? The answer lies in harnessing data-driven insights. Data is a treasure trove to be explored. Here’s how you can put it to work:

  • User Behavior Analysis: Dive deep into user behavior data to understand preferences, browsing habits, and interaction patterns. What content resonates with them, and when are they most receptive?
  • Segmentation Strategies: Segment your audience into distinct groups based on shared characteristics. This allows you to tailor messages to each group’s needs and preferences.
  • Real-Time Data Utilization: The beauty of conversational ads is their real-time nature. Use data to adjust ad content and interactions on the fly, responding to user inputs and behaviors.
Showcasing Success Stories
Signpost pointing in different directions

Let’s delve into some real-world examples to illustrate the power of personalization in areas outside of conversational advertising:

  1. Spotify’s Personalized Playlists: Spotify’s “Discover Weekly” playlists are a prime example of personalization. By analyzing user listening habits, Spotify curates a weekly playlist of recommended songs, creating a personalized music discovery experience that keeps users engaged and coming back.
  2. Netflix’s Content Recommendations: Netflix’s recommendation engine analyzes user viewing history, ratings, and preferences to suggest content tailored to individual tastes. This personalization strategy keeps viewers engaged, binge-watching and subscribed.
  3. Amazon’s Product Recommendations: Amazon’s personalized product recommendations are a staple of the e-commerce giant’s success. By analyzing user browsing and purchase history, Amazon suggests highly relevant products to each customer, increasing conversion rates.

These success stories demonstrate that personalization isn’t just a theoretical concept—it’s a powerful tool that drives engagement and boosts conversion rates.

As we move forward in this journey to transform your conversational ads into captivating conversations, remember that personalization isn’t an option; it’s a necessity.

Read on to explore the art of crafting compelling conversations and incorporating interactive elements to take your conversational ads to the next level. Your audience awaits an experience tailored just for them, and together, we’ll make it happen.

Section 3: Crafting Compelling Conversations graphic

Section 3: Crafting Compelling Conversations

Conversational display ads are more than just text on a screen; they are your brand’s voice engaging with your audience. In this section, we’ll delve into the art of crafting conversations that captivate, resonate, and inspire action. Get ready to explore the nuances of engaging dialogue, the magic of storytelling, and the emotional appeal that will set your ads apart.

The Art of Engaging Dialogue

Creating engaging conversational display ads is akin to having a meaningful chat with a friend. It’s not about shouting your message but fostering a genuine connection. Here’s how to make it happen:

  • Be Authentic: Speak in a genuine and relatable tone. Avoid jargon or overly formal language. Imagine you’re texting a friend.
  • Ask Questions: Encourage interaction by asking open-ended questions. This invites users to share their thoughts or experiences, turning the conversation into a two-way street.
  • Listen and Respond: Like in real conversations, active listening matters. Acknowledge user responses, making users feel heard and valued.
The Power of Storytelling
Planning a conversation flow

Stories have an unparalleled ability to captivate and connect with audiences on an emotional level. Incorporating storytelling into your conversational display ads can be a game-changer:

  • Relatable Narratives: Craft stories that users can relate to. Share real-life examples, customer success stories, or anecdotes that resonate with your target audience’s experiences.
  • Emotional Appeal: Tap into emotions that align with your brand and message. Emotional connections make ads memorable, whether humor, nostalgia, empathy, or aspiration.
  • Sequencing: Consider the narrative flow of your ad. Like a good book, ads can have a beginning, middle, and end. Guide users through a journey that keeps them engaged until the call to action.
Tips for Writing Interactive Ad Copy

Creating conversations that encourage interaction is both an art and a science. Here are some actionable tips to infuse interactivity into your ad copy:

  • Clear Call to Action (CTA): Ensure your ad includes a clear and compelling CTA. Encourage users to take the next step, whether clicking a button, signing up, or making a purchase.
  • Use Buttons Wisely: Buttons are crucial, and can guide users through the conversation. Employ buttons with enticing text that suggest answers to questions you ask, or that compel users to click to continue the conversation down a different path.
  • Offer Value: Make users feel that engaging with your ad provides value. Whether offering a discount, exclusive content, solving a problem, or making a product recommendation, provide something worth their time.
  • Use Visuals: Incorporate videos or images that complement your conversation. Visual elements can enhance the overall user experience. Conversational ads that include videos see longer overall engagement times.
  • Test and Iterate: Don’t be afraid to experiment. A/B testing different ad copy and approaches can reveal what resonates best with your audience.

Remember, crafting compelling conversations aims to make your audience feel heard, understood, and inspired to take action.

As we move forward in this journey to boost engagement with conversational display ads, the next section will explore the role of interactive elements and gamification in creating memorable ad experiences. Get ready to turn your static ads into vibrant, interactive conversations that leave a lasting impression.

Section 4: Interactive Elements and Gamification graphic

Section 4: Interactive Elements and Gamification

In the digital advertising landscape, staying static is not an option. To truly captivate your audience in conversational display ads, you must embrace the power of interactivity and gamification. This section will explore how these elements are pivotal in creating immersive ad experiences that drive engagement and boost conversion rates.

The Role of Interactive Elements

Interactive elements are the building blocks of a two-way conversation. They transform passive viewers into active participants, making your ads more memorable and engaging. Here’s why they matter:

  • Engagement Amplified: Interactive elements, such as buttons, quizzes, and polls, encourage users to interact with your ad. They create a sense of involvement and intrigue, driving up engagement rates.
  • Information Gathering: Use interactive elements strategically to gather valuable data about your audience. User responses can provide insights into preferences, needs, and behaviors.
  • Guiding the User Journey: Buttons and menus can guide users through a structured conversation, ensuring they receive the information or experience they seek.
Creative Ideas for Interactive Features

Here are some creative ideas for incorporating interactive features into your conversational display ads:

  • Quizzes and Assessments: Create quizzes or assessments that align with your product or service. Users can discover personalized recommendations based on their responses.
  • Interactive Stories: Craft interactive narratives where users make choices that impact the storyline. This storytelling technique keeps users engaged as they explore different scenarios.
  • Polls and Surveys: Pose questions to your audience and gather their opinions. Share the results in real-time, making users feel part of a larger conversation.
  • Games and Challenges: Develop mini-games or challenges that tie into your brand message. Gamified elements can be highly addictive and encourage repeated interactions.
mapping interactivity and gamification
The Power of Gamification

Gamification takes interactivity to the next level by adding game-like elements to your conversational ads. Here’s why it’s a game-changer:

  • Increased Engagement: Games naturally elicit engagement. Users are motivated to participate, whether it’s earning points, completing challenges, or unlocking rewards.
  • Longer Attention Spans: Gamification immerses users for longer durations, providing ample time to convey your message and call to action.
  • Enhanced Learning: Gamification can make Educational content more engaging. Users absorb information while enjoying the interactive experience.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Gamified ads often increase conversion rates. Users who invest time and effort are likelier to take the next step.
Examples of Gamification

Here are a few examples of gamification used in popular apps and promotions that can provide some inspiration for developing gamification ideas in your conversational ads:

  • Duolingo: Duolingo’s language learning app gamifies the learning process with its point system, challenges, and achievements. Users are motivated to practice daily and progress through levels.
  • Nike Run Club: The Nike Run Club app gamifies running by tracking users’ runs, offering challenges, and rewarding achievements. It encourages users to set and meet fitness goals.
  • McDonald’s Monopoly: McDonald’s annual Monopoly promotion gamifies purchasing meals. Customers collect game pieces to win prizes, incentivizing repeat visits.

As we continue on our journey to boost engagement with conversational display ads, remember that interactivity and gamification are your allies in creating memorable ad experiences.

In the next section, we’ll explore the importance of multichannel distribution in reaching your target audience effectively. Get ready to expand your horizons and connect with your audience across various platforms and touchpoints.

Section 5: Contextual Targeting graphic

Section 5: Contextual Targeting

Context is king for conversational display ads. It’s not just about crafting engaging messages; it’s about delivering those messages in the right place at the right time.

Contextual targeting in digital advertising allows you to align your conversational ads with contextually relevant content. In this section, we’ll explore the significance of contextual targeting, its challenges, and opportunities and provide a strategic approach to make it work effectively.

The Significance of Contextual Relevance

Imagine you’re reading an article about a healthy lifestyle, and suddenly, an ad for running shoes appears. That’s the power of contextual targeting—delivering ads that make sense within the content context. Here’s why it matters:

  • Enhanced Relevance: Contextual targeting ensures that your conversational ads are shown to users already interested in related topics. This relevance increases the likelihood of engagement.
  • Improved User Experience: When your ads align with the content users consume, it feels less intrusive and more like a natural extension of their browsing experience.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Users already interested in a topic are more likely to take action when presented with a relevant conversational ad.
Billboards in Times Square showing importance of contextual advertising
Challenges and Opportunities

Contextual targeting comes with its set of challenges and opportunities in the digital advertising landscape:


  • Content Variability: Contextual relevance relies on the availability of relevant content. In some niches, finding the right content can be challenging.
  • Content Quality: Not all content is suitable for your brand or message. Ensuring content quality and alignment is essential.
  • Dynamic Context: Content on the internet is dynamic and ever-changing. Keeping up with context changes requires agility.


  • Keyword Optimization: Use relevant keywords to guide your ads to the right content. Keyword optimization can help increase contextual relevance.
  • Real-Time Bidding: Real-time bidding platforms allow you to bid on ad placements in real-time, ensuring your ads are shown in contextually relevant spaces.
  • Advanced Algorithms: Leveraging machine learning and AI algorithms can help identify the best contextual opportunities for your ads.
A Strategy for Effective Contextual Targeting

Here’s a strategy to maximize the effectiveness of contextual targeting for your conversational display ads:

1. Keyword Research: Identify keywords closely related to your product or service. These keywords will serve as the foundation of your contextual targeting strategy.

2. Content Alignment: Ensure your ad content aligns with the chosen keywords. Crafting conversational ads that resonate with the content is crucial.

3. Monitor and Optimize: Continuously monitor the performance of your ads in various contexts. Identify high-performing placements and optimize your bids accordingly.

4. Leverage Dynamic Content: Use dynamic content to tailor your conversational ads in real-time based on the context in which they are displayed.

5. Use Data Insights: Analyze data to understand which contexts drive the most engagement and conversions. Use these insights to refine your targeting strategy.

Contextual targeting is a powerful tool to ensure your conversational ads reach the right audience in the proper context.

As we continue our journey to boost engagement with conversational display ads, remember that context can significantly impact the effectiveness of your campaigns.

In the next section, we’ll dive into the importance of A/B testing and optimization to continuously improve your ad performance. Stay tuned for valuable insights on refining your conversational advertising strategies.

Section 6: A/B Testing and Optimization graphic

Section 6: A/B Testing and Optimization

Embrace the power of continuous improvement. A/B testing and optimization are your secret weapons in the quest for excellence. In this section, we’ll delve into why A/B testing is essential, how to set up effective tests, and strategies for optimization based on test results and user feedback.

The Importance of Continuous Improvement

In the realm of conversational display ads, perfection is a moving target. What works today may not work tomorrow as user behaviors and preferences evolve. Here’s why continuous improvement through A/B testing is crucial:

  • Data-Driven Insights: A/B testing provides actionable data on what elements of your ad are working and what needs improvement. It’s like having a roadmap to better performance.
  • Stay Competitive: In the competitive digital landscape, staying stagnant means falling behind. A/B testing keeps your ads fresh, relevant, and competitive.
  • ROI Maximization: Fine-tuning your conversational ads based on test results can lead to higher engagement, better conversion rates, and a higher return on investment.
A/B testing
Setting Up A/B Tests for Conversational Ads

Effective A/B testing begins with a well-structured plan. Here’s how to set up A/B tests for your conversational display ads:

1. Identify Variables: Start by identifying the specific elements of your ad that you want to test. This could include headlines, images, call-to-action buttons, or even the order of conversational prompts.

2. Create Variations: Create two versions of your ad, the current version (A) and a modified version (B), with the changes you want to test. Ensure that only one variable is different between the two versions to isolate the impact of that change.

3. Define Metrics: Define the key performance metrics you’ll measure. These could include time spent engaging, interactions in the ad, ‘click out’ rates, or any other relevant metrics.

4. Split Testing: Randomly assign users to either version A or B to ensure a representative sample. Ideally, you want a large enough sample size to draw statistically significant conclusions.

5. Run the Test: Implement both versions of your ad and let the test run for a predetermined period, ensuring that all conditions are consistent except for the variable you’re testing.

6. Analyze Results: After the test period, analyze the data to determine which version performed better based on the defined metrics.

Optimization Techniques

Once you’ve gathered the results of your A/B tests, it’s time to optimize your conversational ads. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Implement Winning Variations: If version B outperformed version A in your A/B test, implement the changes from version B into your ad permanently.
  • Iterative Testing: Continue testing and optimizing other elements of your ad. The optimization process is ongoing.
  • Seasonal Adjustments: Consider making seasonal adjustments to your ad content or targeting based on the time of year or special events.

A/B testing and optimization are not one-time efforts; they are ongoing processes that keep your conversational ads at their best.

As we move forward in this journey, the next section will explore the critical aspects of compliance and privacy considerations in conversational advertising. It’s vital to navigate these areas ethically and transparently. Continue reading for insights on ensuring your ad campaigns comply with regulations and respect user privacy.

Section 7: Compliance and Privacy Considerations graphic

Section 7: Compliance and Privacy Considerations

Not all conversational ads have compliance considerations. Only ads that collect a user’s personal information, for lead generation, booking a test drive, or signing up for a contest for example, have privacy implications.

Trust is your most valuable asset. As stewards of user data and interactions, operating within the boundaries of data privacy regulations is paramount. In this section, we’ll delve into the importance of adhering to these regulations, ensuring compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and other relevant laws, and sharing best practices for handling user data transparently and ethically.

It’s important to note that these are general guidelines only. AdChat, for example, does not store any personally identifiable information collected in our conversational display ad formats. In cases where leads are collected, for example, PII is passed directly from the ad to the advertiser’s CRM. These guidelines apply to how the advertiser or brand treats user information collected from a conversational ad.

The Importance of Data Privacy Regulations

Data privacy regulations are not mere guidelines; they’re the foundation of trust between advertisers and users. Here’s why adhering to these regulations is crucial:

  • User Trust: Demonstrating a commitment to data privacy builds trust with your audience. Users are more likely to engage with ads when they know their data is protected.
  • Legal Compliance: Ignoring data privacy regulations can lead to legal consequences, including fines and legal actions. Compliance is not just a good practice; it’s the law.
  • Reputation Management: A data breach or violation of privacy can tarnish your brand’s reputation. Protecting user data is essential for maintaining a positive image.
Privacy sign
Ensuring Compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and More

Navigating the complex landscape of data privacy regulations can be challenging, but it’s a non-negotiable aspect of running conversational ads. Here’s how to ensure compliance:

GDPR Compliance: If you target users in the European Union, comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by:

  • Obtaining Explicit Consent: Only collect and process user data after receiving explicit consent.
  • Data Portability: This allows users to access and export their data easily.
  • Right to Be Forgotten: Provide mechanisms for users to request data deletion.
  • Data Protection Officer: Appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO) if required.

CCPA Compliance: If you target California residents, comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) by:

  • Providing Opt-Out Options: Allow users to opt out of data collection and sharing.
  • Disclosing Data Practices: Clearly state how you collect, use, and share data.
  • Handling Data Access Requests: Be prepared to respond to user requests regarding their data.
Best Practices for Ethical Data Handling

Beyond regulatory compliance, consider these best practices for handling user data transparently and ethically:

  • Data Minimization: Collect only the data necessary for the conversation’s purpose. Avoid gathering excessive or irrelevant information.
  • Encryption: Ensure user data is encrypted during transmission and storage to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Data Retention Policies: Establish clear data retention policies and delete user data when it’s no longer needed.
  • User Control: Give users control over their data. Allow them to opt-out or edit their data at any time.
  • Transparency: Be transparent about your data practices. Clearly explain how data will be used and with whom it will be shared.
  • Third-Party Compliance: Ensure that any third-party services you use for data handling comply with relevant data privacy regulations.

By adhering to these best practices and staying vigilant in your commitment to data privacy, you protect your users’ sensitive information and build a foundation of trust that enhances the effectiveness of your conversational ads.

As our journey to boost engagement with conversational display ads continues, the next section will present real-world case studies and success stories. These examples illustrate how brands have achieved significant engagement and ROI through conversational advertising. 

Continue on for insights and actionable takeaways from these success stories.

Conversational Display Ads: Want Sure-Fire Tactics to 10x Engagement? 1

Section 8: Case Studies and Success Stories

Case Study: BMW iX Launch


In the highly competitive world of automotive marketing, BMW aimed to make a significant impact by launching its all-electric BMW iX in the Middle East market. Recognizing the potential of conversational advertising, BMW agency Publicis partnered with AdChat to create an innovative ad campaign. The primary goal was to engage users effectively, educate them about the iX’s standout features, and drive test drive bookings.

Campaign Strategy

AdChat’s conversational ad format provided the perfect platform for the BMW iX launch.

The ads were strategically deployed across seven Middle Eastern markets, tailored to engage both English and Arabic-speaking audiences. These conversational ads allowed users to explore the vehicle’s key attributes, including its range and charging capabilites, dynamic design, advanced technology, and exceptional performance.

A noteworthy feature of the campaign was the inclusion of a test drive booking form within the ad itself. This seamless integration enabled users to effortlessly book a test drive at their nearest BMW dealership, significantly enhancing the campaign’s conversion potential.

The form collected user contact details and provided flexibility in selecting a convenient date and time for the test drive experience.

Key Takeaways and Strategies
  • Immersive Engagement: The conversational ad format proved highly effective in capturing users’ attention and maintaining engagement. Users spent an average of over 1 minute and 30 seconds interacting with the ad, signifying its ability to provide an immersive experience.
  • Enhanced Conversion Rates: The campaign delivered an impressive increase in test drive bookings compared to standard display ads. This highlighted the substantial impact of conversational advertising in motivating users to take desired actions.
Measurable Results and ROI

The BMW iX launch campaign with AdChat’s conversational ads yielded measurable and impactful results:

  • High Engagement: The campaign delivered more than five times the engagement of a traditional display ad, demonstrating the effectiveness of conversational ads in capturing user attention.
  • Extended User Interaction: Users spent an average of over 1 minute and 30 seconds engaging with the ad, indicating their deep involvement and genuine interest in the BMW iX.
  • Increased Test Drive Bookings: The campaign achieved a significant 40% boost in test drive bookings compared to standard display ads, highlighting its ability to drive user actions.
  • Retargeting Effectiveness: In a retargeting context, the conversational ad format outperformed standard display ads by generating a 13% higher test drive booking rate, showcasing its efficacy in re-engaging and converting interested users.

The BMW iX launch with AdChat’s conversational ads was a success in terms of engagement and user interaction and a testament to the platform’s conversion prowess.

The campaign’s impressive results underscore the value of adopting innovative advertising formats that foster meaningful connections and drive tangible business outcomes.

Case Study: Oreo Cookies Ramadan Campaign


During Ramadan in Morocco, Oreo Cookies, a beloved Mondelez brand, sought to create a memorable and engaging campaign. Collaborating with AdChat, Google, media agency Publicis, and creative agency Tribal DDB. the goal was to remind the Moroccan audience of the delightful ways Oreo cookies can elevate their dessert experiences during iftar, the evening feast that marks the end of the daily fast.

Campaign Strategy

AdChat built an innovative and interactive conversational ad tailored for the Moroccan audience. Recognizing the cultural significance of dessert during Ramadan, the campaign aimed to provide personalized dessert inspiration using Oreo cookies.

The conversational ad took the form of a quiz, engaging users in discussions about their cooking preferences and tastes. This interaction allowed the ad to recommend relevant Oreo cookie recipes tailored to each user’s unique palate.

Given the linguistic context, the conversational ad was thoughtfully built in French to resonate seamlessly with the Moroccan audience.

Audience Insights

The campaign didn’t just achieve outstanding results; it also delivered valuable audience insights that could inform future campaigns:

1. Recipe Preferences: The quiz format allowed the ad to collect user data on cooking preferences. Most users (58%) preferred recipes without cooking, opting for quick and convenient options. Among these users, more than half sought something to eat rather than drink.

2. Cooking Choices: Of the remaining 42% of users who preferred ‘cooked recipes,’ a significant portion (56%) looked for options that didn’t involve baking, highlighting a preference for simpler cooking methods.

3. Surprising Gender Variation: Interestingly, the campaign saw a gender variation among its audience. Despite targeting a broad audience of males and females aged between 18 and 44, there was a notable 7% higher unique click rate from men compared to women.

Measurable Results and ROI

The Oreo Cookies Ramadan campaign with AdChat’s conversational ads was an astounding success:

  • Massive Reach: The campaign achieved remarkable results, reaching 1.5 million unique users within two weeks. 
  • High Engagement: The conversational ad saw an average interaction time of 50 seconds, demonstrating its captivating nature.
  • Exceptional Engagement Rate: The engagement rate soared, exceeding benchmarks in the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry by a staggering 10 times. This extraordinary engagement rate demonstrated the effectiveness of the conversational ad format in capturing user attention and participation.
  • Consideration and Conversion: An impressive 92% of engaged users clicked the call-to-action button, underlining the ad’s effectiveness in driving consideration.
  • Audience Insights: The campaign provided valuable insights into user preferences, offering a treasure trove of data for future campaigns.
  • Google Recognition: Google featured the campaign in the ‘Future of Marketing’ section of the Think with Google blog, acknowledging the groundbreaking success of utilizing conversational display ads in modern marketing.

The Oreo Cookies Ramadan campaign exemplified conversational ads’ potential in delivering engagement and actionable insights. It achieved recognition from Google, highlighting its innovative approach and remarkable results.

Case Study: HP Instant Ink Campaign


In the fiercely competitive United States printer market, HP embarked on a mission to revolutionize ink cartridge management through its innovative Instant Ink product—an ink subscription service powered by Original HP Ink cartridges.

HP Instant Ink aims to alleviate printer users’ frustration by ensuring they never run out of ink again. Beyond convenience, the subscription service offered substantial cost savings of up to 50% on cartridge expenses.

The campaign aimed to spotlight these advantages while engaging users effectively through AdChat’s conversational display ads.

Campaign Strategy

AdChat partnered with HP to craft a conversational display ad campaign that accentuated the value of HP Instant Ink. The central focus was addressing common printer user pain points and showcasing the subscription service’s convenience and cost-saving features.

The key benefits highlighted within the conversational display ad campaign included:

  • Never Run Out of Ink: The campaign’s core message resonated with users, promising to eliminate the inconvenience of running out of ink unexpectedly.
  • Environmental Responsibility: The campaign also emphasized HP Instant Ink’s eco-friendly aspect, as used cartridges could be returned to HP for recycling.

Several ad messages were A/B tested to optimize message effectiveness. The standout ad featured a compelling call to action, offering a $10 credit for signing up.

Key Takeaways and Strategies

1. Customer-Centric Messaging: The campaign’s success hinged on crafting messages that empathized with users’ needs and pain points. HP Instant Ink effectively positioned itself as a customer-centric solution by addressing ink-related frustrations and environmental concerns.

2. Tangible Value Proposition: Offering a $10 credit as a call to action proved to be a potent incentive for high engagement and conversions. This strategy highlighted the effectiveness of providing immediate value to users to encourage sign-ups.

Measurable Results and ROI

The HP Instant Ink campaign with AdChat’s conversational display ads delivered outstanding results:

  • Extended Engagement: Users engaged deeply with the ad content, spending an average of over 60 seconds interacting with the campaign. This extended engagement period demonstrated the ad’s ability to captivate and hold user attention.
  • Impressive Click-Out Rate: The winning ad from the A/B test achieved a remarkable 21% click-out rate. This metric, representing the percentage of users who not only engaged with the ad but also clicked to visit a landing page at, showcased the ad’s efficacy in driving users to take further action.
  • Effective Customer Acquisition: The campaign’s most striking achievement was a remarkable 47% reduction in HP’s effective customer acquisition cost. This substantial cost-saving outcome highlighted the potency of conversational display ads in optimizing marketing expenditures and boosting ROI.

The HP Instant Ink campaign exemplified the transformative impact of conversational display ads. By addressing user needs, offering tangible value, optimizing marketing spend, and fostering deep engagement, the campaign achieved remarkable results and paved the way for future innovative advertising strategies.

Conversational Display Ads: Want Sure-Fire Tactics to 10x Engagement? 2


Throughout this comprehensive guide, we’ve delved deep into conversational advertising, unveiling its mysteries and unlocking its immense potential. We embarked on this journey to empower you with the knowledge, strategies, and actionable tips needed to transform your digital advertising endeavors.

Our goal was clear: to help you turn static display ads into vibrant, two-way conversations that resonate deeply with your target audience.

Let’s recap what we’ve discovered:

Understanding Conversational Display Ads: We began by understanding conversational ads’ essence and benefits. Their effectiveness, backed by statistics and real-world case studies, demonstrated their potential to make a significant impact.

The Power of Personalization: We explored the crucial role of personalization in conversational ads. Leveraging data-driven insights to create highly personalized ad experiences is key to capturing your audience’s attention.

Crafting Compelling Conversations: Crafting engaging and natural-sounding conversations is an art. Storytelling, emotional appeal, and well-crafted ad copy are all essential elements.

Interactive Elements and Gamification: We delved into using interactive elements and gamification to boost user engagement and conversion rates. Creativity knows no bounds in this realm.

Contextual Targeting: Distributing conversational ads in contextually relevant publisher inventory is paramount. We discussed the challenges and opportunities of contextual targeting and provided strategies for effective implementation.

A/B Testing and Optimization: Emphasizing continuous improvement through A/B testing is crucial. We explained how to set up A/B tests for conversational ads and shared optimization techniques based on results.

Compliance and Privacy Considerations: Adhering to data privacy regulations is non-negotiable. We discussed compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and best practices for ethical data handling.

Real-World Success Stories: We showcased real case studies that achieved astounding results with conversational ads. These tangible outcomes highlighted the transformative potential of this advertising format.

The results speak volumes: users spending over a minute engaging with ad content, remarkable click-out rates, and significant reductions in customer acquisition costs. These are not just statistics; they are the tangible outcomes marketers can achieve with conversational display ads.

Ready to take the next step and unlock the full potential of conversational display ads? Contact AdChat to explore how you can seamlessly integrate conversational ads into your programmatic display marketing mix. Our team is here to guide you on this journey towards unparalleled engagement and success.

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